jos väh 8
Juoksu kielletty seuraavat 2 viikkoa
Espoonlahdessa ei ole koriskenttää, eikä taida edes tulla. Siellä on kaksi koria vastakkain, joista toinen on minikori.
missä siis illla pelataan?
onko siellä jotain pelaajia ?
It has been a pleasure to know you and to play with you. All the best for the future. Petri
Thank you for playing with us these years. You have helped our team in many ways to achieve victories in important matches. In addition, as a fellow player you deserve the respect of all of us. All the best to you and your family in the future. Maybe we'll meet again...
You are are certainly busy because of packing etc. but maybe you have a chance to take a break and come some Monday to Puolarmaari? Not necessarily for playing but at least for shooting. In any case I wish all the best to you and your family.
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